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Let's Talk Menopause

menopause Nov 09, 2021


Does anyone want to chat menopause? Never has a conversation been so elusive. 
Many of our clients (and your clients if you provide Jennifer Young Treatments) are experiencing the unwanted consequences of menopause. Some are getting there naturally, others have experienced a chemical or surgical menopause. I am told the natural route is kinder; just imagine how challenging the former.
I would like to hear natural menopause stories – the challenges, the benefits to being at a stage of life never before experienced, the solutions.  

I feel as though we are surrounded by negativity generally but more so when we discuss menopause. At the same time we hear 50 is the new 30 and that 50 is the time to shine, professionally and personally. The children leave, we have more time for self-care and celebration (COVID aside). 
I’d like to be able to show the positives  recorded interviews seem the easiest way to tell a wider story.
If you would like to have a zoom chat, or come to JY HQ to be filmed in our media room - please let me know 

All ages, sizes, colours, creeds and preferences welcome.   
Shall we start this conversation?
Please get in touch if you are happy to tell us your stories and/or be recorded doing so and/or come to the photoshoot party.
I will be interviewing and being photographed. I am photophobic, if I can do it, you can do it. 

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