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Jennifer Young launches touch therapy training for hormonal balance

hormonal balance touch therapies hormonal wellness mentor and coach diploma hormonal wellness touch treatments Jun 15, 2022
  • 90% of women experiencing symptoms of menopause but only 40% feel able to speak to their doctor
  • Women feel unseen and unheard, voicing a desire for more options for menopausal symptoms beyond HRT
  • These hormone balancing touch treatments give therapists the chance to better reach and support the estimated 13 million women of menopausal or premenopausal age in the UK

On 24th June 2022 we are launching our much anticipated Hormonal Balancing Body and Facial Treatment qualifications to enable therapists to help clients address the unwelcome and physical and emotional consequences of menopause.

Featuring a facial treatment and a body treatment, the hormone balancing therapies work in tandem with Jennifer’s dedicated Menopause Plus skincare line which uses 100% natural ingredients including naturally occurring plant oestrogens (phytohormones), which can also be made available for retail purchase through spas.

The treatment protocols give therapists the ability to understand and provide tailored support to menopausal women, from the moment they step into the room.
The consultation is designed to gain information but without being intrusive.
Treatments combine touch, acupressure and aromatherapy to support the hormonal wellness and circadian rhythm (daily fluctuations in hormone levels which make us sleep or wake us up) of the client.

After having a 90-minute Hormonal Balancing Face and Body Treatment, Jane said:

“It’s hard to believe some of the benefits from the acupressure points. I had the most amazing business meeting this morning. I was so clear and on point and I didn’t feel fuzzy at all. I’ve had no tingling in my fingers which I quite often get, and no feelings of dizziness. Last night I was really focusing on whether I would be as itchy as normal. Before the treatment that itchiness was about a 9 and last night after the treatment it was about a 2. I had these acupressure stickers put on at the end of the treatment and if I keep having more treatments they will be replaced. I love the idea that I will have that long-term benefit.”

The launch of the Menopause Plus (MPlus) skincare brand and its associated therapist training, was inspired by the many stories of women who did not and do not feel that they are listened to when it comes to their experience with menopause. Through our work with oncology touch treatments at Jennifer Young Training, we often work with women who are experiencing menopause - both naturally, and brought on early through cancer treatment. It is a consequence of the treatment of a conservative 42,000 women affected by cancer per year in the UK alone.

Jennifer says:

“Therapists are in a powerful position to support women as they go through hormonal changes, and to enable them to have a positive experience of menopause. For some, HRT is fantastic, but it isn’t for everyone. Some people want to combine holistic care with medical support, others want to try an entirely natural route. Our touch therapies are the result of two years of research and development, they use 100% natural, plant-based ingredients and they work with individuals to address the unwanted side effects of hormonal change from cause to symptom.”

The touch therapy qualification comes following the successful launch of our Diplomas of Hormonal Balance Mentoring and Coaching, with a view to giving therapists more resources through which to support menopausal clients.

While therapists are not doctors, and cannot provide medical support, most of the women we speak to, are not looking for that - they simply want someone to listen and provide holistic support. Therapists are in a strong position to fill that gap. Our Mentoring and Coaching diploma along with our Hormonal Balancing Body and Facial Treatments have been created to make sure therapists have what they need to provide that support and that women have options when it comes to supporting their wellbeing through hormonal change.

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